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Revisiting the Past Embracing the Future has been the premise on which the Cultural Expressions Club of Church Teachers’ College has been built. The team started in the Year 2013 with a wide cross- sectionof students.


Meetings are held on Tuesdays at 4:15 pm at Jones Hall. The club performed in a variety of events which included National Heroes Day, Carol Service and CTC’s 50th Celebrations. During the school year, the club has done other activities such as Ice Cream weekend, Crush Day which takes place on Valentines’ Day and Candy Crush which were all fund raisers for the benefit of the college. Also, at the end of each school year the club host its’ annual Social where club members come together and share memories of club experiences over delicious delicacies.


Our adviser and Staff Representative Mrs. Wisdom- Anderson has been our tower of strength and a great support. The Executive members former and newly- elected are doing a tremendous job, both in the planning of activities and the execution of their duties. Moving forward, we will work together as a club to recruit more members and improve attendance. We will also ensure that our presence is felt more as we strive to become involved in projects and activities that will promote the importance of cultural awareness.



Church Teachers’ College is an outstanding institution which is firmly committed to providing you with superb academic experiences. Our objective to mold students into well-rounded professionals is achieved in an atmosphere that encourages intellectual curiosity and character building. We are passionate about assisting you to attain your career goals; hence, we provide the essential resources, establish support systems and prepare you to function in a dynamic global environment. So, come and join the Church Teachers' College family where we "nurture through love and wisdom."




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