About the Conference
The inaugural Special Education Conference and Workshops was held in 2014. It was the brainchild of Amy C. Stevens (University of Wisconsin, Whitewater) and Samantha Radway Morrison (Church Teachers’ College: Mandeville). Since then, the conference and workshops have become a highly anticipated calendar event held on the second Friday in January. From its inception, the aim of the conference was to bridge the existing gap in the Jamaican education system by empowering teachers, caregivers and parents to meet the needs of exceptional students. The conference has grown from being a workshop with two presenters to its current format with hundreds of participants and presenters from all over the globe.
Our partners from the inception have been the University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, the Jamaica Teachers’ Association and The John Rufus Williams Education Trust. The conference has also benefitted from support given by The Jamaica Teaching Council, TIP Friendly Society and other partners. The Conference is endorsed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information.
Over the years, the Conference has attracted presentations by the faculty of Church Teachers’ College: Mandeville, local and international experts.
Themes and Keynote Speakers have been:
Collaboration for Differentiation in the General Classroom
Dr. Amy C. Stevens, University of Wisconsin Whitewater & Samantha Radway Morrison, Church Teachers’ College: Mandeville
Repositioning for the Future – Addressing Special Needs: A National Imperative
Dr. Sidi M. Lakhdar, Professor and Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Exceptional Student Education - Nova Southeastern University, USA
The Learner in Difficulty: Strategies, Modifications and Accommodations for the Classroom Teacher
Dr. Polly Bowes Howell, Consultant in Special Education and Early Childhood Development & Chairman of the JTA’s Educational Conference
Improving Students’ Behaviour through Classroom Management and Active Learning
Dr. Hixwell Douglas, retired Chief Education Officer for Special Education Unit - Ministry of Education, Youth and Information
Differentiation: Assessment and Teaching/Learning Strategies for the Inclusive Classroom
Dr. Joan Spencer Ernandez, Founder of the School of Education Centre for the Assessment and Treatment of Exceptionalities – University of the West Indies, Mona Campus
What’s Trending? Evidence-Based Practices for Effective Instruction and Behaviour Management in Special Education
Mrs. Samantha Radway Morrison, Conference Coordinator & Projects and Research Officer- Church Teachers’ College: Mandeville
From Assessment to Intervention: Maximising the Potential of Persons with Special Needs
Dr. Shawn Robinson, Senior Research Associate in Wisconsin’s Equity and Inclusion Laboratory (WeiLAB), USA
Teaching and Behaviour Modification Strategies for the Inclusive Virtual Classroom
Dr. T. Rowand Robinson, Professor - Department of Special Education, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
Problem-Solving Tenacities: Pivotal Approaches for Overcoming Challenges of the Inclusive Virtual Classroom
Dr. T. Rowand Robinson, Professor - Department of Special Education, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater