Student achievement in mathematics in Jamaican schools continues to occupy the minds of stakeholders. The existence of an achievement gap is well documented.
Often, for many students, performance in mathematics is unsatisfactory and at a lower level than in other subjects. This is a major concern. Research in mathematics education indicates that the teachers’ depth of knowledge and understanding of the mathematics they teach, and the teaching strategies they employ play an important role in the students’ achievement level. It was observed that as teachers’ knowledge of content and pedagogy improved their standards of what it means to be a good teacher also improved.
Church Teachers’ College is concerned about the achievement gap among our students and embraces the viewpoint that “We can whenever and wherever we choose successfully teach all children whose schooling is of interest to us” (Ron Edmonds, 1973). Consequently, with its commitment to prepare teachers to fulfill the Ministry of Education’s mandate that “Every child can learn, Every child must learn” the College will offer a Masters Degree Programme to help address concerns about mathematics teaching and learning. The courses to be offered in this degree programme are designed to enhance teachers’ content knowledge; further develop their pedagogical skills; deepen their understanding of, and appreciation for, the importance of mathematics in the social and economic development of a nation; and ultimately produce professionals who are passionate about students attaining a higher level of achievement. The programme will also seek to prepare teachers to take leadership roles in their schools and in professional development programmes.
The Master’s Programme developed is informed by the experiences of educators who have worked closely with pre-service and in-service teachers for many years and are aware of their competencies and professional needs. These are educators who are familiar with the demands and challenges of today’s classroom, understand the influences of societal demands on schools, and are knowledgeable about current thinking in mathematics education. The programme provides opportunities for practicing teachers to benefit from the wealth of experience of educators and other stakeholders within and outside the mathematics community, thereby enriching their classroom practice. The programme focuses on both the content and teaching of mathematics.
Target Group:
Teachers who:
love mathematics
desire to see students become proficient in math
have strong commitment to teach competently
are prepared to reflect upon their own practice
seek to develop their teaching skills
are willing to make a paradigm shift in their outlook on classroom practices
are prepared to take on leadership roles that will facilitate improvements in mathematics education
embrace a belief system that supports the philosophy that all children should be given the opportunity to achieve their potential and develop the requisite skills to become productive workers and effective citizens
support the principle of lifelong learning
Minimum Requirements:
A First Degree with specialization in Mathematics.
A First Degree in Primary Education with specialization in Mathematics (Offered by Mico University).
A First Degree in another discipline but would be required to take foundation courses.
Course of Study
Students will complete 36 credits: mathematics content-based courses, mathematics education courses, professional development initiatives, and research.
Special Features offered will ensure that graduate students are aware of and are au fait with:
A collaborative approach to teaching and learning
Technological developments in math teaching and learning
Recent developments in mathematics education
Current views on curriculum instruction
The role of mathematics in social and economic development.
Concepts and Issues in Mathematics
Teaching and Learning
Guided Research/Research Practice 1
Professional Development Intervention 1
Practicum (Clinical Supervision)
Navigating Algebra for Action
Mathematics at Work: Making sense of our World
Navigating Measurement, Geometry and Trigonometry Ideas for Action
Navigating Statistical Ideas and Data Analysis for Action
Tech to Teach Mathematics: Educational resources to enhance mathematics teaching and learning
Guided Research/Research Practice 2
Professional Development Intervention 2 Practicum (Clinical Supervision)
From Number Operations to Calculus
Effective Leadership in Mathematics Education