Facilitating Meaningful Mathematical Discourse in the Virtually Inclusive Classroom
12:45 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Mr. Lamar Edghill
Mr. Lamar Edghill currently serves as the Regional Mathematics Coordinator in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information (MoEYI), Mandeville Regional Office. Prior to his current post, he served in the Ministry as a Cluster Based Mathematics Specialist, Secondary Mathematics Coach, and Primary Mathematics Coach in Region 5.
Mr. Edghill is currently pursuing an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership at Temple University. He holds a Master of Science Degree in Mathematics Teaching from the University of Technology, Jamaica and Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education, with specialization in Mathematics.
Mr. Edghill currently serves on the National Mathematics Advisory Committee of the MoEYI, and has, through the National Mathematics Programme of the MoEYI, partnered with the National College for Educational Leadership (NCEL) in the hosting of the Mathematics Leadership of Education Programme in 2020, and our Mathematics Leadership Webinar Series in 2021.
This session aims to explore the learning culture and practices that encourage and support deeper concept related communication among students in the virtual classroom setting. Principles to Actions, a 2014 publication of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) outlines eight effective mathematics teaching practices, one which is to “facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse”. Within the mathematics learning setting, discourse among students builds a shared understanding of mathematical ideas by analyzing and comparing student approaches and arguments.
This session seeks to highlight practices in the virtual setting that will promote the facilitation of mathematical discourse among students, and is intended for teachers engaging students in mathematics using online platforms with greater emphasis on synchronous engagement.