CTCAAi is pleased to announce the Kerr-Jarrett Gift of Hope award of USD250.00 available to any student, currently pursuing Early Childhood or Primary education at Church Teachers’ College, Mandeville, Jamaica. It is intended to provide hope for the future of young children who will be educated as a result of the support offered by one who received her education from the College. Repayment in cash by the beneficiary will not be obligatory however the recipient will be required to fulfill the eligibility criteria, maintain a grade level acceptable to the College and CTCAAi and display a personal conduct that befits CTC’s mission statement to “…develop positive attitudes, morals and values so as to be effective leaders in the communities they serve”.
It is the donor’s expectation that the KJGH award will help to pave the way forward for someone else to benefit from the quality education received from her Alma Mater by instilling the hope of a better tomorrow through education delivered to the children he/she encounters. Should the recipient fail to meet these conditions, he /she will be required to provide CTCAAi’s STAR Committee with a written explanation surrounding the circumstances and corrective actions to improve it, before the end of the first semester of that particular academic year. This year the 2012 Gift will be disbursed on February 1, 2013, or as soon as a recipient has been identified; and provision of any information regarding the beneficiary’s performance will be received before the end of the second semester, on an exception basis. Please click on the links to download your cover letter, application guidelines and form to apply for this Gift, payable to Church Teachers’ College. Further details and application kit may be received from Church Teacher’s College at 40 Manchester Road, Mandeville, Manchester, JAMAICA or via email to scholarships@ctc.edu.jm